
Welcome to Kings Charter!


Kings Charter is a master planned community consisting of 900 single-family homes. Kings Charter was established in 1980 and is located in Hanover County, one of the most desirable locations to live in the Richmond metro area. The Kings Charter Owners Association, Inc (KCOA) is the homeowners association that governs Kings Charter.


The vast community amenities along with the assortment of social activities for adults and kids provide Kings Charter residents with an enhanced quality of life. In addition, Kings Charter has been acknowledged several times by Richmond Magazine's "Best Of" as one of the premier communities in the Richmond area.


With churches of all faiths, excellent schools, close proximity to schools and exciting recreational activities, exceptional dining, and ease of access to major roadways all add value to the experience known as Kings Charter.



Contact Us:



(804) 550-2507


Clubhouse Manager

Tianna Hailstalk


Associa Community Manager

Denez Stabler




Initially, statements were mailed April 25th for the Charter Lake Dredging Special assessment. An issue arose due to the extended timeframe for sending statements. The system factored in both the special assessment and the upcoming quarterly assessment, potentially leading to confusion. An additional statement for the Special Assessment was mailed Friday, May 24th with only the Special Assessment amount listed on the statement. Every home received a statement because some owners reported not receiving the first statement. If you have already paid your special assessment, you may disregard the statement; Your account has been credited for the special assessment that is not due until August 1st.
Payment is due August 1, 2024. If you are signed up on kliknpay for your quarterly assessments, you must make a one-time payment for the special assessment. The kliknpay system will not automatically take this money from your account for the payment of the special assessment. Late payments are subject to the same penalties and collection policies as are regular monthly assessments. If the special assessment is not paid by September 1st, your account will be charged the 18% late fee. 
If you are paying by check, please make checks payable to Kings charter Owners Association, Inc. Payments should be mailed to c/o Associa Community Group, P.O Box 27898, Newark, NJ 07101-7898. Please write your account number on your check. Your account number can be found in the upper left hand corner of the statement.
Please do not contact the Kings Charter site office or call the Community Group Owner Services Department. I will be handling any and all issues for the special assessment myself.
We understand that an additional assessment payment can cause confusion and hope that the additional mailing and explanation will be helpful.
Political signs
Political Signs (excerpt from the ACC Guidelines 6.6.2)
- No temporary sign shall be larger than three square feet (3 sq. ft.) nor stand more than three (3) feet above the ground, measured from the top of the sign. 
- Signs shall not be erected on trees, light poles, street signs, traffic signs or official neighborhood identification signs. 
- No more than one (1) temporary sign may be placed at any lot.
- Signs will be neatly lettered, clean, have a professional appearance and maintained in good condition. 
- Temporary personal signs may be permitted in accordance with the above requirements without official written ACC approval if the content of the sign meets the following conditions:
1. The sign must be of a positive and/or congratulatory nature. 
2. Political campaign signs should be in support of a candidate and not a negative attack of a specific candidate or party.
3. Signs supporting a social cause must be positive and not promote violence.
4. Signs must contain language and content suitable for family viewing.
- A notification of intent to display a temporary sign must be sent via email or in writing to the ACC containing the date the sign is to be displayed, and a picture of the sign, before the temporary sign is erected.
- Temporary signs meeting the above content criteria can be displayed during the following timeframes:
1. Political campaign signs may be displayed no more than 60 days before an election and must be removed within two days following the date the election is held.
If a sign remains standing in violation of the above regulations, the sign may be removed by the Association. The Association will not be responsible for loss or damage of such signs.
News Articles
Dredge document #2 for the November 1, 2023 meeting
Posted on Nov 1st, 2023
FAQ Charter Lake Dredge Project
October 30, 2023
The Kings Charter Community has been acknowledged several times by Richmond Magazine's "Best Of" as one of the premier communities in the Richmond area. Kings Charter amenities, including the common areas, the lakes, the pools, tennis courts, club house and playgrounds, provide Kings Charter residents with an enhanced quality of life. It is the responsibility of the Kings Charter HOA to maintain these amenities both to enhance resident’s lifestyle and protect property values.
The Kings Charter Owners Association (KCOA) maintains two lakes, Ivy Banks Lake and Charter Lake. Since the community was first developed, periodic maintenance has been required at the dam sites, Charter Lake’s overflow has been rebuilt, and, to improve lake health, aeration was added to Charter Lake. Dredging has been undertaken in both Ivy Banks Lake and the middle section of Charter Lake. After almost 30 years, the upper section of Charter Lake has filled with sediment hampering its ability to retain storm water and causing a nuisance due to insects and odor. This portion of the lake now requires dredging.
The objective of the following FAQ is to provide additional information about Charter Lake’s dredging project.

Dredge Study documents
Posted on Oct 19th, 2023
The board requested a study of what must be done to prepare for the dredging of the rest of the lake. You can find the dredge study here.
Upcoming Events Calendar
Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
6pm to 7pm
Board meeting
Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
6pm to 7pm
Board meeting
Spring Yard Sale
Saturday, April 26, 2025
7am to 12pm
Spring Yard sale at the Clubhouse parking lot.
Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
6pm to 7pm
Board meeting
Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 3, 2025
6pm to 7pm
Board meeting
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